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Watch Moment Asake Takes To His Heels As Security’s Gun Gets Stolen During Concert


Asake is trending on social after he was recorded running off the sage during his Baltimore show after his security gun was allegedly stolen.

According to information, the rave of the moment had arrived 3 hours late at his U.S concert late.

The “Joha” crooner had only thrilled his fan for not more than 10 minutes before his security aide’s gun allegedly went missing.

A Twitter user, identified as Okuchiii also shared the incident in parts. It was also gathered that the show promoter, who asked for his money back got tackled by Asake’s security.

He wrote;

According to folks in Baltimore, Asake pulled up 3 hours late, performed for 10 minutes, and then left because his security guard’s gun got stolen. Then had his security fling the promoter after he asked for his money ba The whole thing sounds like a skit.

Watch details below…

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